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Help bring Syeda Fatima’s story to life

She was the eminent lady Fāṭima al-Zahrāʾ, the blessed pure part of the Prophet, the faithful daughter, the steadfast striver. She was Fāṭima al-Batūl. When we examine her lineage, the vital question presents itself: Whose daughter was she? Whose wife? Whose mother? Who could lay claim to any lineage as noble and pure as hers, she whose father was the Prophet and whose mother was the great Khadīja? She was Fāṭima al-Zahrāʾ, scion of eminent ancestors, of the fragrant and noble Prophetic pedigree. Everything about her resembled the Messenger of God, and of all people she was the dearest to his heart, though he loved them all.

Our lady Fāṭima, through whom the blessed lineage of the Messenger of God was preserved; this amazing woman whose life story must be considered as a fundamental part of the life story of the Prophet and the story of Islam itself. She stood with the Messenger of God and struggled alongside him. Throughout the persecution she endured, she strove always to serve and aid her father, and to take care of him after the death of her mother, may God be pleased with them all.

When speaking about this illustrious lady and her life, we concern ourselves with a foundational part of the history of the Islamic Community from the very earliest tribulations, the first years of struggle in Mecca, and the harsh and merciless persecution at the hands of Quraysh. At her father’s side she was brave, strong, forbearing, dutiful, gracious, and protective. He bore this task steadfastly and strove in God’s cause until God Most High permitted him to emigrate to Medina. There he completed his journey until he met his Maker, having delivered the Message, fulfilled the Trust, guided the Community, and struggled in God’s cause until the final certitude [of death] came his way.

            The story of our lady Fāṭima is replete with major events, illustrious moments, noble ethics, and sincere struggles. It is a great honor for us to present this authentic narrative and shed further light onto it, and then try to connect the readers to the life of this eminent woman, and to take them by the hand and guide them so they may know who Fāṭima was and what she accomplished. We aim to show them the momentous events she experienced during the struggle to establish Islam, and how she participated in them all with steadfastness, sincerity, hopefulness, and eagerness.

            We will then shed light on the period that followed the tribulations in Mecca and how Fāṭima lived alongside the Prophet in Medina and truly earned the title which he bestowed on her: “Her father’s mother.” Even in the way she walked and sat, she resembled her father as closely as can be. Truly she was a part of the Messenger of God.

            I dedicate this book to my young readers, and I ask God to make it a cause of benefit and a means of telling the story of this noble woman in a manner that is easy to understand, so that our children may become connected to it and thereby learn a fundamental part of the luminous history of Fāṭima, her mother, her father, and her children — a pure and noble line, Descendants one from another (Qur’ān 3:34).

My Lord, by the rank of the children of Fatima
Allow my final words to be the testimony of Faith
Whether my supplication is accepted or denied,
I will cling onto the family of the Messenger, without break.
Sa‘di of Shiraz (d. 690/1292) 

Who is Ihya Publishing?

Ihya is a non-profit independent publishing house that specializes in publishing traditional Islamic texts that resonate with the heart, mind, and soul of Muslims. We achieve this by publishing texts from our rich tradition and by supporting writers in creating new books and texts that address the needs of Muslims in the English language.

In today’s world, many Muslims are in dire need of literature that speaks to their lived reality. At Ihya, our goal is to bring the tradition to life and meet this need. Our name, derived from the Arabic word for “life,” reflects our mission to give life to the tradition in a world that needs it.