Welcome to Ihya Publishing
A Publishing Company led by the Tradition
Ihya Publishing is dedicated to reviving beneficial knowledge (al-‘ilm al-nafi’), which we believe unlocks the doors of all good and leads to true success in this world and the next.
Imam al-Haddad defines this knowledge in the following way: "[Beneficial knowledge] is that which increases your knowledge of the Essence of Allah, His Attributes, Acts, and favors, makes you aware of His commands and prohibitions, leads you to renounce the things of this world and wish only for the hereafter, and brings your faults, the defects in your acts, and the plots of your enemy to your notice." We hope that the works we publish will assist seekers in this sacred pursuit.
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The word Ihya denotes ‘revival’ in the Arabic language and also refers to Imam al-Ghazali’s great compendium of beneficial knowledge, the Ihya Ulum al-Din (Revival of the Religious Sciences).
Reviews by Readers
This devotion is a God-send, no doubt. As the author says, if it lands in your hands, know that it’s no coincidence, take seriously and devote to it daily. It’s a profound and comprehensive litany. I’m grateful to have been gifted it, and I have in turn gifted it to others in my life.
Amal A.
The DevotionIf you contemplate, every sentence is a path towards fixing oursleves, detaching ourselves from this lowly world, and rejoining the path towards Almighty.
Mohammed A.
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